Package org.kahina.core.behavior

Provides classes for specifying the modification logic of complex data structures in a modular way.

See: Description

Package org.kahina.core.behavior Description

Provides classes for specifying the modification logic of complex data structures in a modular way.

Some frequently used data structures such as trees and graphs often show complex behavior when step information arrives at a Kahina instance. This is especially the case when global tree or graph views are used to represent complex structures made up of individual steps, such as decision trees and call structure visualizations.

The root class for all behaviors is KahinaBehavior. Usually, behaviors operate by listening on a controller for special events, and are defined to modify the structures they govern in some complex way. The behavior pattern is useful for separating the interface logic of adapted view components from the logic which determines the modifications to the data structures visualized.

KahinaDAGBehavior and KahinaTreeBehavior are stub behaviors for directed acylic graphs (i.e. and trees (i.e. KahinaTree), respectively.
