Custom Query (31 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#28 Filter hidden steps from main tree view new jd enhancement major
#29 Blocked goals tree summary new jd enhancement major
#39 Keyboard shortcuts assigned jd enhancement major
#40 Chart display new jd task major
#41 KahinaTextView/KahinaTextViewPanel don't support model changes new jd defect major
#51 Saving and restoring user data new jd enhancement major
#54 build in a rudimentary online help system new jd enhancement major
#9 Explicitly visualize that different invocations of the same step belong together assigned jd enhancement minor
#20 Show solutions as complete parse trees new ke defect minor
#25 Layered tree view needs rethinking new jd defect minor
#30 Tooltips for node labels new jd enhancement minor
#33 Measure time in profiler new jd enhancement minor
#36 Less failed edges new jd enhancement minor
#42 Support multiple source files in TRALE's debugger new jd enhancement minor
#43 Warn user of hidden features new jd enhancement minor
#44 Keep zoom factor in feature structure view assigned jd enhancement minor
#45 Source code view: open files as soon as they are used new jd enhancement minor
#58 source code highlighting new ke defect minor
#59 variable bindings on redo new ke defect minor
#61 marking the parent node is broken new jd defect minor
#62 Handle TRALE errors and display them in Kahina new jd enhancement minor
#66 Closing GUI should lead to abortion, but (sometimes) leads to NullPointerException if done while fast-forwarding/auto-completing new jd defect minor
#71 Step counters in window title and view title are inconsistent. new jd defect minor
#72 No step counter when loading a session from a file new jd defect minor
#104 Breakpoint (skip point, ...) editors show breakpoints (skip points, ...) from previous session new jd defect minor
#105 rethink transmission of step information/step data to bridge new jd defect minor
#107 unhide substructures that contain highlights by default new jd enhancement minor
#108 preserve hide/show state of substructures as rendered by GraleJ new jd enhancement minor
#109 breakpoints match too often new jd defect minor
#120 Selecting a step with layer X in a list tree view panel with layer Y where X < Y should not change the root new jd defect minor
#137 tree-node re-entrancies are not shown new jd defect minor
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.